Welcome to the MEF ProCERT Exam Center.  Our online testing center allows you to take an exam 24/7!

If you are at this page, you are undoubtedly ready to take a MEF ProCERT exam! 

This page provides you with some quick tips to assist you in preparing to sit for your exam.  We recommend click here for more details on exam registration and how quick you can re-take an exam, your MEF-ATP or remote proctor scheduling, checking your computer for compatibility, warnings about screen captures, recordings and cheating, as well suggestions on what to do if you experience a computer problem or network issue etc.  

Here's a quick checklist:

1. Check your computer, make sure it's stable, clear your browsers cache, remove screen capture/video tools.

2. If taking your exam by remote proctor, click here to check your computers compatibility

3. Make sure you have a stable, reliable network connection.

4. Be in a quiet room, clear your work-space, do not interact with other people taking exams

5. If you have any questions during the exam, ask your proctor.  

Click on the button below to continue to the exam portal.  Your login credentials will be provided to you by your proctor. Once your exam is complete, login to mefprocert.com to view your results in your exam dashboard.


Please select the exam you are taking: